
lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

Classification of the videos.

1- Carlos Alegre.
2- Alba Romero.
3- Mar Peláez.
4- Jose Ramón.
5- Marta Luque.
6- Javi Romero.
7- Santiago Delgado.
8- Roxana Muñoz.
9- Adriana.

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013


I have watched the video again and I am going to give my opinion of this.
I like the video because is interesting and original. The video try to explain how people use Facebook and if it is important for the life of somebody, a through a young men.
I think like he, I think user does stuff in facebook without meaning, for example to add people that only they see once.  I think he is very realistic because I am a user of facebook and sometimes I do similar things. 
Facebook have good things, for example to can comunicate with your friends very quickly and share pictures too.
People should have social networks for this and not to lose the time and to put all their life or nonsense within.
I have facebook since 2012. For me facebook has been important for exchanges of my high school, because it do to know the people exchange before to travel to their countries.
I have friends that stay a lot of time using social networks and I can't believe what they do in this time.
The end I didn't like because social networks are part of this world in this moment, and I think he should use that in a good way and not cancel his account.


martes, 9 de abril de 2013

Task 11

Does Holly Week have any special meaning to you?
For me, mainly Holly Week is a way to have a good week with my friends and to be with the family but when I was little the Holly Week had a different meaning, the Holly Week was to be with my cousins and my grandmother and to see the processions. Before I liked the Holly Week but with the time I have lost the excitement. In the way  of the religion I have never had excitement.

domingo, 27 de enero de 2013

TASK 10 ZERO HOUR ( a science-fiction story ).

1. Do you believe life is unique to Planet Earth? Whether yes or no, explain, please:
I think there are life in other planets like bacteriums, but the life is very different that here, as in Planet Earth there is an unique atmosphere that do a world with a lot of biodiversity.
2. Supposing there were other intelligent creatures somewhere in the universe, do you think they would be technologically more advanced than us?
No, because is very difficult to be technologically more advanced than us as we have a lot of technological advances that we have done during centuries.
3. How important for humankind would be to discover life somewhere in the universe? Explain, please:
It's important because we could discover organisms or to find other life type and to can study that.
We could to know how are the life in other atmosphere.
4.Do you believe we have been visited by extraterrestrials all along history and before?
I don't believe because there aren't anything to explain that.
5.2. If you don't believe in extraterrestrials visiting us, why do you think so many people are convinced they have seen them?
Because there a lot of films and texts that it talk about extraterrestrials in the Earth and some people believe in that and they imagine extraterrestrials in places when there aren't extraterrestrials.

Science Fiction is a popular film and literature genre.
1. How much do you like science fiction films and stories?
I like some science fiction films and stories so much because they are very interesting and do to think.
2. Which science fiction  films/stories do you remember?
I remember Terminator, District 9, Planet of the Apes, Star War, Matrix.
3. One sub-genre of science-fiction stories is the one depicting extraterrestrials revealing themselves to human beings.

  • 3.1. Can you remember any films/stories in which extraterrestrials are good and mean well? I remember  Ete the extraterrestrial.
  • 3.2. Can you remember any films/stories in wich extraterrestrials are bad and want ti destroy or conquer our planet and exterminate humankind? I remember District 9

You are going to read a well-know science-fiction story b RAY BRADBURY, called ZERO HOUR. It's about bad extraterrestrials and children. Please, write TEN statements anticipating what you may later read in the story.

  1. Bad extraterrestrials eat children.
  2. There are a lot of children died.
  3. Some people kill extraterrestrials.
  4. Extraterrestrials are awesome, they can fly, and have superpowers.
  5. There is a little war between human and extraterrestrials.
  6. The human discover how to kill to extraterrestrials.
  7. Humans do that.
  8. Almost all extraterrestrials die and other  extraterrestrials return to his world.
  9. The world is safe.
  10. Humans learn of this experence.

Now., READ the story and enjoy. How close were you?
The story is very different that my thinking and statements, this is story talk about a type of games of children and it did that some extraterrestrials arrive to the Earth. The child that the story talk is called Mink and this child said things like invasion, Drill are going to came and the mother didn't do magnitude but them she felt sorry for that because the extraterrestrials arrived.


lunes, 14 de enero de 2013

TASK 9 My very personal letter to the Three Kings

Dear Three Kings,
This year I don't want to ask you clothes, money and other things, this year I would like asking you this:
For my family I hope don't have some fight and there isn't economic problems.
For my country I wish that the population live better ( I hope a change in the government) and more happiness.
For the world I hope more peace, less contamination, less poverty and more happiness for the people with a lot of problems.
And specially I want a lot of healthy for my grandparents!.